Legendary Players
First – Jimi Hendrix
Info by Spinditty – If anything is wrong Blame them!
Jimi used three Super Lead 100-Watt Marshall amps in most of his performances. Turned them up to max in unison and this became his legendary sound.
Chris Jagger (Mick Jagger’s Brother) designed the hand painted jacket made of silk which he wore at the Monterey International Pop Festival in June 1967 where he burned his guitar.
He got tossed out of his apartment by Ringo Starr at 34 Montagu Square where he and his manager
Chad Chandler lived. Unknown reasons of course, you would have to ask Ringo if you get the chance.
Because of scheduling conflicts, Bonzo Dog Band took Jimi’s spot in the Magical Mystery Tour
TV movie by the Beatles. Too bad, that would have been really cool.
With Jimi’s struggle in the US market, he could be considered a ‘one hit wonder’ being his only top forty hit was “All Along the Watchtower” – and what a hit it was! – One of my 10 deserted Isle songs.
James Daniel Sundquist is the only one of six paternity suits against Jimi or his estate, that is believed to be his son by Jimi’s own acknowledgement. Eva Sundquist had him in 1969.
See photo. You be the judge.



All kidding aside Spinditty is a great site! In fact there is an outstanding article by Bob Craypoe “Know Your Equipment”
A great source of info if you’re new to the music world and want to expand your knowledge base.
Carlos Santana
Born July 20th 1947 Carlos is 73 and can still burn leads like he was 21!
While I am in no way endorsing the use of drugs, one must admit that Carlos and his band members who had taken acid (LSD) on the performance at the original Woodstock Concert and played the way they did, reminded me of Kenny Stabler of the Raiders Football team, Kenny would party and drink all night long at a biker bar in Oakland, then at dawn go to practice and work out, while the other party members would sleep the next day. FYI Carlos was a devout Raider Fan!
But try this one one. How many great guitarists can make this claim? –
Carlos and his then wife Deborah started the Milagro Foundation (Milagro is Spanish for ‘Miracle” and to this day the Milagro Foundation has donated more than $3,000,000 to established charities such as UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children, and many, many others. If you wish to help –
But honestly Carlos was one of my biggest inspirations growing up in Oakland.
His melodic and compositional ability of lead in songs like ‘Samba Pa Ti’ (if you have not heard this song, you must listen to it! To know what a guitar can do to the soul when in the right hands, in this case Carlos Santana) Any guitarist that can make simplicity and virtuosity a common thread in the fabric of their music is going to make an indelible mark in music history. Listen to a few of his greats like ‘Europa’. Or do yourself a favor, check out “Caravanserai” album, 1972 “Song Of the Wind” If by that you don’t get it, you never will, and that’s okay. But you will struggle to find more expressive leads on planet earth. And to those who do get it Well… you know. Words are not going to express what Carlos leads do .